When the writer asks a patient who wants to have a nose job, what type of surgery does the patient want? I often hear responses such as “I haven’t thought of it yet” (writers often think in their minds that writers know they’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but don’t dare to tell the writer because they’re afraid they’ll say it).
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Write to ask if the patient has a pattern or not. (This time….) “Yes” and then ran to pick up some celebrity books, some pictures of celebrities with pretty noses, and some printed them out. Or some people say, “Hold the ridge, the tip is not pointed, the nose is not pig, there is a slight slope, please give me a small slender, and give me the wings of my nose” (Oh…a lot. ) Some people say, “Take the nature, take the beauty as you wish the writer. But make it suitable for your face, not too much.” “Ask for surgery to have a dropper tip” that says it’s troubling? Show that you can’t do it or not?
I would like to answer that the nose at the tip of the dropper is not difficult to do, but let me go back and ask a little bit about how much does the patient understand the meaning of the tip of the drip nose? “Tell the writer that you put the tip of the water drop” or read a website that likes to show off their noses. “Make the tip of the nose drop water. Come on. It’s beautiful. It’s cool.”)
The writer can say that Most patients don’t understand the word nose tip. How is the water drop? Is it safe? Is it dangerous? Is it suitable for all nose shapes?
The writer would like to explain the characteristics of the dropper tip as follows: 1. Characteristics of the tip of the dropper. Is the tip of the nose that extends down below the wings of the nose, when viewed from the front, it looks like a seagull spreading its wings to fly (Seagull).
- When looking at the side, it is seen that the tip of the nose is at an acute angle to the lips.
Simply referred to as the tip of the nose of a foreigner, half-breed and Arab, which the writer himself I think that the tip of the nose looks like this is very beautiful. If possible, I would like to have surgery for all patients to have this type of nose. But in reality, our Thai noses are a mix of Asian and African noses. That is, the bridge of the nose is not prominent. The wings of the nostrils are open together with the flesh of the nose tip quite a lot.
The writer would say that Although most of us have this type of nose. But we can be beautiful in our own way without relying on the tip of the dropper. Let’s imagine that If the space at the tip of the nose is large and the wings of the nose are wide making the tip of the nose sag It will not look fresh at all. Still, there is Some of the patients with strong needs. I want that type of nose tip by investing in cutting the wings of the nose together. to make the tip of the dropper that is proportional to the wing of the nose
However, in the opinion of the writer who has performed quite a lot of surgery Writers often advise patients to do one thing at a time. Although it can be done at the same time, because many When the writer had rhinoplasty in a patient with a wing of the nose wide, but less meat Writers tend to raise the tip of the nose perpendicularly to narrow the wings of the nose. (At least about 2 millimeters smaller), which most patients are satisfied with and do not need to cut the alarm.
Let’s go back to the topic of Why does the drop tip come with risks?
The reason is because the dropper tip surgery is to shape the silicone tip to an angle that is lower than the highest point of the tip of the nose. to create an acute angle between the nose and mouth with the increase of the length of the silicone rod to hold the nose longer, which increases the length of the nose to lengthen Make the silicone tip, the beginning of the nose, and if you let the silicone push the tip of the nose for a long time, it will make the meat around the tip of the nose become thinner. Until finally it came out, especially for patients with relatively short noses and the tip of the nose is close. The writer does not recommend a dropper tip augmentation
In addition, the tip of the nose dropper is quite difficult to maintain because the tip of the nose is often the location that people touch the most, such as when you are sick and have to blow your nose, squeezing acne, picking, scratching, and scratching in the nostrils, which causes It’s quite abrasive to the skin.
Many patients asked Reinforcing the dropper tip with silicone Is there a difference in results with cartilage surgery? The writer would like to answer as follows:
- Breaking story Cartilage surgery has almost no chance of perforation.
- Increased nose length No different from the original because we can’t make the tip of our nose longer than 1 centimeter no matter what method is used, even if we use cartilage, it will be found that the bone that is attached more than 1 centimeter will often break down. or collapse due to insufficient blood supply
- The beauty of the tip of the nose depending on the skill of each doctor to sharpen the silicone or to decorate the tip of the nose with cartilage
- Other complications The writer can tell you are drip tip augmentation water with cartilage Although it is safer in terms of perforation than silicone surgery. But complications in breathing, palpation, lumps in the nostrils or deformed nostrils are more effective and difficult to correct. Even if the writer who is doing it can’t edit it. make it back to the way it was. Many patients have to come to terms with their symptoms. An abnormal heart due to constricted nostrils
“Writer would like to leave a little. Before considering surgery to make the tip of the nose drop Even the tip of our nose is not a drop of water. But it’s beautiful in its own way, but if we want a teardrop tip We must accept the risk to follow