Since the age of about 11, I was someone who had suffered from ongoing acne. Sometimes it was bad (usually in the winter), and other times, not so much. You see, for most of my life, I thought I just had to put up with it. I knew that I simply had to put up with dry skin and everything that goes with it – until I discovered oil absorbing moisturizer for the first time.
Up until that point, the idea of putting moisturizer on my oily complexion would give me nightmares, as a gloopy substance like moisturizer feels like the last thing you should be applying. Ask most people with oily skin, and they’ll probably tell you the same thing.
Oil Absorbing Moisturizer is Non-Comedogenic
So, why is this stuff different from regular moisturizers? Well, as I found out along the way, these new moisturizers don’t clog the pores like standard types can. Instead, their non-comedogenic powers come to the fore, allowing it to provide hydration without causing blockages.
This is where the tide started to turn for my acne, as I suddenly saw a route out of it – something I’d never considered possible before. Now, I had a way to moisturize my skin without having to worry about getting breakouts a couple of days later.
Feeling Good About Myself Again
Naturally, since I started using my new oil absorbing moisturizer, I’m feeling good again about the way I look for the first time in years. I no longer expect spots when I wake up each morning. Instead, when one rears its ugly head, it comes as a surprise. That’s not something I ever thought I’d be able to say about my skin.
This discovery has also had a hugely positive impact on the rest of my skincare and my life in general, as the extra confidence I have improved my social life no end!
This is from a position of thinking nothing was out there for me. I couldn’t have been more wrong. That’s what compelled me to write this article, as I know for sure that there are people out there just like me who either don’t know the product exists or they’ve not tried it yet.
I’m Even Wearing Makeup Again!
The transformative effect of switching my moisturizer to this new variety must be shouted about, as it’s even gotten me wearing makeup again. I hadn’t for years because of how much of a problem it caused me with breakouts. Without that threat, I feel free again to express who I am.
While I’ve not gone too much into how it helped me, I’m just happy that it did. You have to work at it when you want a clear complexion, but this moisturizer makes it so much easier to get the results you’re looking for.
Got Oily Skin? Keep Oil Absorbing Moisturizer Close By!
When I think back and remember that I used to have to keep blotting paper in my pocket all day to mop up the excess oil on my skin, I shudder. This was me just 6 months ago, and it’s a place I never want to go back to again. The thing is, you don’t have to either.
If you recognize the misery of oily skin and everything that goes with it, I’d recommend trying some non-comedogenic moisturizer as I did. Will it transform your life as it has for me? Possibly? It’s got to be worth a try though right?
Oily skin is no fun, but there’s no need to suffer. All you need is to ensure you’re using products manufactured for exactly the type of problem you have.
It really is as simple as that.