8 out of every 10 adolescents in America will get acne at some stage of their existence. If you’re lucky enough to be the 2 out of 10 that don’t, then great – well done, you’ve been fortunate. However, for the rest of us, products like creamy acne wash play a central part in managing the problem.
The reason behind the prevalence of acne in the 12-16 year age group is the preponderance of hormones whizzing around their young bodies. It’s a time of great change as kids move into adulthood, but problems like acne can present a challenge that many don’t overcome.
Why Do Teenagers Require Creamy Acne Wash More?
Many kids in this age group haven’t yet established what you might call a grown-up skincare routine. This means that on top of the fact that elevated hormone levels during puberty, your skin has to cope with this big change. When it’s not managed at all, it can spread fast!
Essentially, what’s going on under the skin is inflammation that’s caused by your pores becoming log-jammed with dirt, excess oil and dead skin cells. Benzoyl peroxide products work so well because they’re great at clearing these blockages that lead to unsightly white and blackheads.
What Contributes to Teenage Acne?
It’s not just hormones and a lack of skincare that can lead to acne, as there are also a number of other factors that you need to keep an eye out for. One of those is poor diet, which may not be enough to cause acne on its own, but it is most certainly a contributing factor.
There’s also more than an average chance that your average teenager will need to reach for the creamy acne face wash because of wearing makeup. It’s common for both boys and girls to wear it from time to time, so it’s a problem that effects most.
All that said, by far the biggest problem for teenagers with acne is a tendency to pop them in a bid to get rid of them. Doing so will only guarantee that you’ll be using creamy acne face wash for longer, as picking zits simply serves to spread the bacteria to other areas of your face. So don’t do it!
Your Skincare Routine Needs to Be Tailored to You
It’s crucial to remember that what works for one person may not work for another, as everyone’s skin is a little different. You may have a genetic predisposition to getting acne or it might simply be that you need to change your washing detergent. That’s the key – finding your triggers so that you can do something to mitigate or avoid them completely.
Your Creamy Acne Face Wash Will Blitz Those Zits
Our last piece of wisdom to impart is to tell you that if you’ve got zits, the answer will overwhelmingly be benzoyl peroxide. The important thing is to know how to use them, so you can avoid unnecessarily drying out or irritating your skin. With a bit of patience, there’s no reason why the product won’t work for 99 out of 100 people.
It’s a product that’s proven to get rid of acne, and the examples of success are countless, so if you’re careful, you could absolutely be next.